ṣáḳiḳ (yeṣaḳíḳin/ľiṣáḳaḳ)
basic morphological information

v. (II)

to make a goat come by means of making its kid cry or by imitating the sound produced by a goat kid
привести козу, заставив её козленка плакать или подражая звуку, издаваемому козлёнком
إقناع الماعز بالاقتراب عن طريق جعل طفلها يبكي
Naumkin et al. 2019b:85; Naumkin et al. 2022:272
text examples

a. ṣáḳikk hes be-ˁífef ‘I made her (the goat) come by means of making (her) kid scream’ (Naumkin et al. 2019a:77)

semantic notes

‘To make a goat (e-) come by means of making its kid (be-) cry’ (a)

A full synonym of éṣḳeḳ
