المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

n. (f.)

водоём, бассейн
Bulakh et al. 2021:258; Wehr 54; Qafisheh:36
الأمثلة النصية

égaḥk di-ri di-bérkeʰ wa-ˁag ˁö́ḳaḷ énhi barmíľ kor enózef deʸh wa-nö́zofk deʸh wa-ˁámok heʸh éẓ̂ẓ̂alk énzokk ḥe barmíľ tḥoẓ̂ífin heʸh ḥalf kor aḷ-ľinzák ‘I came to a place above a pond, and a man put a barrel for me to pour water into it, and I started to pour water into it, and I told him: “You made it in a wrong way, you’ve slanted the barrel. Make the place for it even so that it wouldn’t be slanted anymore.”’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:258)

ملاحظات أخرى

Borrowed from Arabic birkat-.