v. (VIII)
a. wa-katénaḥ ˁag diˀáḷ díˀʸheʰ ˁážeʰ ‘So the man returned to his wife’ (CSOL II 13:30)
b. wa-gízi ˁag wa-katénaḥ díˀʸheʰ di-ḥaḷf ‘So the man gave up and went back to his home’ (CSOL I 4:15)
c. wa-tóˀo kténḥin ˁésen kséˀen íľľiḥan awráḳ iľ-któben ˁésen yešḥaregésen έˀɛfo be-fúnduḳ ‘And when we returned to them (to the papers), we found some people in the hotel who were reading the papers on which we wrote’ (CSOL II 1:127)
d. katénaḥ heʸh díˀʸheʰ mɛľ ‘His wealth came back to him’ (CSOL II 4:57)
‘To return to somebody (diˀáḷ)’ (a)
‘To return to something (di-)’ (b)
‘To return to somebody (ḷe-)’ (c)
‘To return to somebody (e-)’ (d)
‘To reconcile with somebody (diˀáḷ)’: wa-koténeḥ megɔ́še diˀáḷ aˀḥáʸhen ‘And the boys became friends with their cousin’ (CSOL II 8:37)
‘To refrain from, to decline (men)’: wa-tö́boš ˁᵃṭaf katénaḥ ˁag wa-ˀaḷ-ṣö́ḷob ‘And she began to weep until the man rethought and did not slaughter (the goat)’ (CSOL II 21:3); keʰ katénaḥ men ḫesáraʰ teḷátaˁš ‘If he declines your bride-price, kill him!’ (CSOL II 1:60)