المعجم السقطري
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
a. kánoʰ sárḳaʰ di-mέľ ḥaʰ šin be-ŝéṭreher wa-ˀal-ˁéreb mɔn di-(ye)šóge ṭaʰ ˁémer faḳḥ di-ˀέˀɛfo ḥalólen diˀáḷ ˀállaʰ faḳḥ ˁémer naˁázom ˁasέ toˀóte ‘There was a theft in our tribe, and the people did not know who could do this. Some people said: “Let us leave the punishment to God”. And some said: “Let us make a trial on the Qoran, perhaps it will strike him”’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:270)
b. wa-ḷaḷ yekóse éľľehe yeḳáṣaf mes ri wa-yeʸháraḳ wa-ˁíẓ̂oʰ meʸh sárḳaʰ ḥa fɔ́ne be-zamán ‘And when he found a cow, he would cut off its head and steal the cow. And his stealing was fierce there in those by-gone times’ (CSOL III 8:2)