المعجم السقطري
sᵉbeḳ (yesáboḳ/ľásbaḳ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
ḥómiľk ḷe-ḥumár ˁaf tóˀo kíˀoʰ mednebέʰ óste ḥe ḳayd wa-ˀédofk ḷe-ŝáˁfor wa-rédofk tóʸhen wa-ḷaṭ sᵉbakk tóʸhen kor yemóṭe ‘I was harnessing my donkey, and when just the tail-harness was left, my rope was finished. So I took some (plastic) threads and put them together, then I joined them (to the rope)’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:276)
- sö́baḳ or sébaḳ to stick, to be attached
- satébaḳ 1. to join one another; 2. to be joined