ḥéref (yeḥárof/ľiḥróf)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (Ib)

to harvest
собирать урожай
LS 191; Bulakh et al. 2021:264
текстовые примеры

yeˁómer έˀɛfo fɔ́ne ḷaḷ yeḥáref έˀɛfo ḷe-ker éḳrihi wa-yezéˁem nᵃḥaṭ tímhɛr yeˁámer ˁag deʰ di-báḥľe tímhɛr ḥᵃgork tok ḥaʰ ľheʰ tímhɛr ˁan di-yeẓ̂ḷóḷ ‘They say that in the past, when people used to glean dates in palm-groves and stay under the date-palms, the owner of the palms would say (to one of those people): “I appoint you as the guard of these palms from an evil-doer”’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:264)

  • ḥorf autumn, one of the four seasons of the year (July, August, September)
PS *ḫVrp- autumn
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