a. ö́ḳar ḳáˁar díˀʸheʰ di-dédoʰ wa-šḥᵃme kẽy díˀʸheʰ férhim ‘He came (at night) to the house of his uncle and asked him for the hand of his daughter’ (CSOL I 6:6)
b. ˁö́mor bέbɛʰ ˁéyyek tšáḥmi énhi be-férhim di-sáṭahan ‘He said: “Oh father! I want you to ask for the hand of the sultan’s daughter for me”’ (CSOL II 1:40)
c. gédaḥ ˁag kor yešḥómi be-ˁážeʰ ‘A man came to ask for the hand of a woman’ (CSOL II 24:12b)
d. ṭahέroʰ diˀáḷ díˀseʰ bέbɛʰ ˁemέroʰ tšḥómi énhi díˀʸho be-muṭáľľaḳ ‘She went to her father and said: “Ask my husband who divorced me to marry me again”’ (CSOL II 1:150)
‘To ask someone (ken) for the hand of his daughter (direct object)’: a.
‘To ask for somebody’s hand (be-) for one’s son (e-)’: b.
‘To ask for somebody’s hand (be-) for oneself’: c.
‘To ask somebody (be-) to marry one’s daughter’: d.