Soqotri Lexicon
máˁtef (f. maˁtéfoʰ)
basic morphological information
1. wrong, out of order; 2. mean, evil, damaging
злой, приносящий вред
شرّ، ضار
Naumkin et al. 2022:256, with fn. 11
злой, приносящий вред
شرّ، ضار
text examples
a. deʰ ˁag di-zómiľ šek maˁtéfoʰ meʸh zɛmíľoʰ ‘The man who was loading the camel together with you was doing it in a wrong way (lit. his way of loading was wrong)’ (Bulakh 2024:200)
b. tóˁod órem maˁtéfoʰ wa-ˁíẓ̂oʰ ‘She was going to go a difficult and rough road’ (Bulakh 2024:107)
2. ŝínik ˁag maˁtéfoʰ meʸh ɛgídoʰ ḷaḷ yeṣáṭar aḷ-yeṣáṭar kaḷ ṭoḳ di-ḥanṣ̌éḳoʰ kor yíṣam di-máḥľe ‘I saw a man whose way of aiming (while shooting) was mean: whenever he would shoot, he would always shoot one’s Adam's apple so that (the victim) would die immediately’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:256)