ˁef (yéˁef/ľiˁέf)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

to do not properly, to make mistakes
делать неправильно, ошибаться
١. دمّر؛ ٢. خَطِئَ
Naumkin et al. 2016a:54
text examples

ṣö́ḷobk óˀoz wa-ˀaḷ-róṭiḥk tos súwa gédaḥ ˁag wa-ˁámor deʰ ˁag di-ṣö́ḷob ḥaʰ ˁef ‘I slaughtered a goat, but I did not dismember it properly, and a man came and said: “The man who had slaughtered here brought a damage”’ (Naumkin et al. 2019a:86, fn. 41)
yéˁef diˀʸheʰ be-nέfaˁ ‘He makes mistakes in the course of his work’ (Naumkin et al. 2019a:86, fn. 41)

ŝínik ˁážeʰ di-ṣeḳábes díˀseʰ áḷḷaʰ súwa wa-ˀaḷ-ˁef bes ‘I saw a woman whom her God created in a perfect shape and did not fail in her’ (ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:554)

  • ˁef to make a mistake
  • áˁtef to be out of order
  • máˁtef 1. wrong, out of order; 2. mean, evil, damaging