a. ḥomíľin ḷe-ˀébˁar tóˀo eráḥan ˁamḳ di-ŝégreʰ ṭaḥ beˁér wa-ˀaḷ éraḥ wa-ḥⁱfɛŝ ˁanš ḥamóḷ wa-tóˀo ḥfoŝ ˁod ‘We put load upon the camels. When we reached the middle of a mountain pass, a camel started to pant and could not go anymore. His load was diminished, and as he was relieved, he started to walk again’ (field notes)
b. deš goníyeʰ idáḳoʰ aḷ-yezáˁas ḥumár nóuḳaṣ mes kor tḥáfoŝ wa-yeˀáraḥ bes ‘The sack is heavy, and a donkey cannot take it. Its contents will be diminished so that it would be light, and it (the donkey) will cope with it’ (field notes)
c. nenáḳaṣ meʸh kor yeḥáfoŝ ‘We shall diminish (the load) from him (the camel) so that he would be relieved’ (field notes)
In the perfect, Ia and Ib conjugation types are attested, whereas the imperfect and jussive follow the Ib type.
‘To be light (a load)’: b.
‘To be relieved from a heavy load (a beast of burden)’: a, c.
- ḥᵃfeŝ to make lighter