ˁárˁer (yeˁárˁer/ľiˁárˁar)
basic morphological information

v. (QR)

1. to ripple (water); 2. to sing or shout with a trill (especially at the wedding)
1. журчать (о воде); 2. кричать, петь (особенно на свадьбе)
١. تموّج؛ ٢. صاح، صيحة يرسلها في أثناء حفلة الزواج
LS 329; Bulakh et al. 2021:281
text examples

1. kések ˁárˀḥer yeˁárˁer nᵉḥaṭ ṭeʸh óˀoben wa-ḥóľimk wa-ḷaṭ rik ‘I found a rippling spring of water under a stone. I dammed the water up and drank’ (field notes)


a. égaḥk be-ŝébeʰ di-siyáreʰ men ḥérhen wa-ˀaḷ-ˀézˁomk súwa ken ˁeghéten di-zö́fon wa-déḷaḳ wa-ˁarˁéren ˁarˁáreʰ maḥáŝeʰ ‘I ascended the back part of the car, and I could not sit well because of the women, who squeezed to each other and shouted in a wild way’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:281)

b. ˁážeʰ di-teḥézzeḳ wa-ˁarˁéroʰ kor yeẓ̂éḥeḳ emboríyeʰ ‘A woman was joking and singing with a trill so that her children would laugh’ (field notes)

c. ˁárˁer ˁeghéten tóˀo ŝíni siyáraʰ di-ˁarús gedóḥoʰ ‘The women started to cheer (to cry in the special way as is usually done at the weddings) as they saw the car of the bride come’ (Bulakh 2024:130)
