a. wa-deš šɔm di-zífɛf bes égdaḥ díˀʸheʰ ŝéṭreher heʸh ŝḥᵃfan ‘On that day when his wife was led to his house, the man’s tribe brought him their milk.’ (CSOL II 13:14)
b. ˁážeʰ egdóḥoʰ hedíyeʰ díˀseʰ ḳáḳaʰ siyáraʰ ‘My wife gave her brother a car as a present.’ (CSOL I 7:11)
c. áˁʸhofk ṭey óˀoz di-ˀibóhoʰ wa-seʰ ḷaˁágen wa-ḥérek ḷaḥrɛ́ wa-ˀaḷ-ksek ˁaf ṭey ʸhom gedóḥoʰ wa-ˀegdóḥoʰ míˀšer ‘I’d lost one of my goats which was pregnant and close to giving birth. Then one day it appeared with a male kid.’ (CSOL I 14:1)
pass. ígdaḥ (yegóudaḥ/ľigdóḥ).
The verb is not used in the imperfect (yenokíˁin, the imperfect of énkaˁ, is used instead).
‘To bring something (direct object) to somebody (e-)’ (a).
‘To give something (direct object) to somebody (direct object)’ (b).
???? ‘To give birth (about animals)’ (c).
égdaḥ ḥíľeʰ/ḳáṣṣaʰ ‘to produce a trick’ (CSOL I 2:24; CSOL II 2:1)