المعجم السقطري
déraˁ (yedáraˁ/ľidráˁ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
1. wa-ˀέˀɛfo ḥére ľinṣéb wa-ˀaḷ-tedáraˁ ‘The people tried to put traps (upon the cat), but she would not get into a trap’ (field notes)
2. wa-ho déraˁk be-múškiľaʰ wa-deʰ di-ẓ̂áḷaˁ ˁö́mor énhi edráˁk tok múškiľaʰ ‘So I got into trouble. And the one who had told (my wife about my marrying a second wife) said: “I’ve given you some trouble!”’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:247)
- édraˁ 1. to trap; 2. to give trouble; 3. to reveal, to expose (a criminal, a misbehavior)