záˁzaˁ (yezáˁzaˁ/ľizáˁzaˁ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (QR)

to shake (intrans.)
CSOL I 696
الأمثلة النصية

gédaḥk men tɛr kor oˀókeb di-ḳáneʰ wa-múgšem šéˁe men ḳáneʰ wa-ˀö́ḳaŝ tho be-ri di-ˁaḷhɛ́ten ˁaf tezáˁzaˁ ménhi metníyoʰ ‘I was coming in from outside, and when I was about to enter the house, a boy ran out and bumped his head into my teeth so that one of my teeth began to jiggle.’ (CSOL I 15:8)

االشتياق اللغوي

Directly comparable to Hbr. zˁzˁ ‘to make tremble, to scare’ and Arb. zˁzˁ ‘to move, to agitate, to shake’. Further related are Hbr. zwˁ ‘to tremble’, Syr. zāˁ ‘se movit, motus est’.