Сокотрийский словарь
ˁógiľ (yeˁogíľin/ľiˁágaḷ)
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
a. ṭáhɛrk ˁaf efoḳíḥin ˁamḳ di-ḥaḷf ˁógiľ ḥe ṭad ˁag ˁö́mor énhi ˁag šin di-ṣáme ‘I was going to a place and when I got midway, I came across a man who said to me: “A man has died among us”’ (CSOL I 2:40)
b. ˁógeḷ έˀɛfo men ṭaʰ wa-men-ṭaʰ wa-ʸheʰ yešodíˀin tíyob ‘People came to meet (him) from here and there, and he distributed portions of fish among them’ (CSOL I 29:27)
семантические примечания
‘To meet somebody (ḷe-)’ (a); with no explicit complement (b).
- ˁégoḷ to meet