šího (du. šíyoy, pl. šíhin)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

n. (m.)

нижняя часть спины
الجزء الأسفل من الظَهْر
LS 413; CSOL I 658
الأمثلة النصية

ḥezk éľľehe ... wa-ḷaṭ ḳö́ṣafk šího wa-feḳréroʰ ḷe-méḳṣeʰ di-nišímeʰ ‘I slaughtered a cow ... and then I cut the articulation of the spinal column between the neck and back segments’ (CSOL I 25:13)

االشتياق اللغوي

The only clear-cut parallel is Jib. šɔ̄ ‘back, spine’. It is hard to say whether these two lexemes are eventually related to the terms for genitalia (and similar) dealt with under šɛʰ ‘genitals’.