ẓ̂afáẓ̂if (yeẓ̂efaẓ̂ífin/ľiẓ̂efáẓ̂af)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (QRII)

to blink repeatedly
часто моргать
طرف كثيراً
LS 363; CSOL I 699
الأمثلة النصية

ˁemɛ́roʰ ˁážeʰ hin maráḳ tóˀo ḳeṣáfoʰ béṣľeʰ keḷóˀoʰ díˀseʰ éṣbeˁ di-ˁayn ˁaf tö́boš men béṣľeʰ wa-ẓ̂efaẓ̂ífin be-ˀédmaˁ ‘A woman was preparing broth for us, and while cutting an onion she put her fingers into her eye, started to weep, and was blinking because of tears.’ (CSOL I 29:26)
