ẓ̂áfẓ̂ef (yeẓ̂áfẓ̂ef/ľiẓ̂áfẓ̂af)
basic morphological information

v. (QR)

1. to blink; 2. to overflow
моргать; переливаться
LS 363; CSOL I 699
text examples

1. sᵉre še ˁag men šérhom wa-ˁotégem aḷ-ˁad šémteḷ wa-kíˀi yeẓ̂áfẓ̂ef be-ˁayn ‘A friend of mine fell from a tree and went dumb: he was unable to speak and just blinked his eyes’ (CSOL I 29:26)


a. ˁámok hes betrór ˁaf ẓ̂áfẓ̂ef ḷe-tɛr ‘I put so much petrol into it (into the car) that it almost overflowed’ (CSOL I 29:26)

b. miľóˀoʰ ˁaf ẓ̂áfẓ̂ef ‘It (the raft) was filled to the brim’ (CSOL I 29:26)
