v. (II)
переворачивать; искать, проверять
قلَب، بحث، تحقّق
a. záˁayk méʸhen díʸho médkor men bέdiyeʰ di-ḥadíbo wa-ḥérek ḷeḳáḷɛb béʸhen wa-bíŝi di-zeˁö́we ‘I took some of my male goats from the countryside to Hadibo and started to make the rounds with them, but none were taken’ (CSOL I 27:14)
b. wa-teḳoľíbinš dέhɛr wa-tenáfaˁš súwa ‘And she (the mother) was constantly moving him (her disabled child) here or there and caring for him’ (CSOL II 24:12h)
a. kések ṭey góniyeʰ di-biẓ̂ároʰ wa-ṣ̌eyέroʰ wa-ḳóľíbk tos ho ḷezˁá ˁam ḷeŝέr ‘I found one sack, small and torn. I inspected it, wondering whether to take it or leave it’ (CSOL I 27:14)
b. ber boḳ di-šénher yeṭebéren wa-boḳ heʸh ḥuḳúḳ ḳeḷében ‘For there the sinner will be rebuked, and his deeds will be checked’ (CSOL I 27:14)
pass. ḳéḷɛb (yeḳeḷében/ľiḳéḷob)
v. n. ḳaľíboʰ ‘turning’:
šérḳaḥ bes édfof men ḳaľíboʰ wa-zígid di-tɛr wa-di-ḳáneʰ ‘Her ribcage protruded because of her constant moving him and carrying him outside and inside’ (CSOL II 24:12h)
For the meaning ‘to browse, to inspect, to look for’, see also example 1a.
Note the additional semantics of multiple action, both in non-figurative (‘to turn constantly, to turn many times’, CSOL II 24:12h) and figurative (‘to turn each object’ or ‘to turn the same object several times’ > ‘to inspect’, CSOL I 27:14) applications.