ḳóḥom (yeḳóḥom/ľiḳḥám)
basic morphological information

v. (I)

to rub, to scratch
тереть, чесать
LS 371; CSOL I 587; Bulakh et al. 2021:259; Bulakh 2024:171
text examples

a. wa-ˀaḷ-yeḳóḥom ẓ̂aféẓ̂ef iľ-ˁáyni kaḷ déref ‘Whoever rubs his eyes must have an itch there’ (CSOL I 6:45)

b. ḳóḥom díˀʸheʰ ed ‘He scratched his arm’ (Bulakh 2024:171)

c. ˁag érbeẓ̂ díˀʸheʰ méľḥe ba-ḥáfen wa-yeḳóḥom heʸh ‘A man made his tame goat-kid lie upon his knees and scratched it’ (Bulakh et al. 2021:259)

semantic notes

‘To scratch a body part (direct object)’: examples a, b.

‘To scratch an animaľ (e-): example c.

  • ḳátḥam 1. to scratch oneself, to scratch with one’s limb; 2. to scratch oneself continuously