Сокотрийский словарь
žirέmeʰ (du. žirɛmíti, pl. žírhɛm)
базовые морфологические сведения
текстовые примеры
báˁad-aḷ ˁemɛ́roʰ ˁážeʰ dɛ́nˁaʰ ḷetóˁos ˁággi wa-zaˁáyoʰ díˀʸhi ḥídho wa-žirɛ́meʰ wa-ṭahɛ́roʰ ‘After the woman said this, the men killed her, took their roots and their berries of Ziziphus spina-christi and went off’ (CSOL I 4:11)
The botanical designation žirέmeʰ is to be derived from PWS *garm- ‘bone’, alluding to the big stone characteristic of the Ziziphus fruit, cf. especially Arb. ǯarām-. The verb górim ‘to gather Ziziphus fruit’ is certainly denominative. Contra LS 116, there is hardly any direct connection between górim and Arb. ǯrm ‘to cut off the dates’.