v. (IV)
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a. ˁógiľ ˁéyki šóuḥar ḷe-tɛr ˁö́mor héyki aḷ-tɛˀɛkέboʰ ... ṭahέrki diˀáḷ mudír di-mustášfi wa-ˁö́mor kóbʸhi ekóbki wa-ʸheʰ ḥatéraḳ ‘A man (a guard) met us at the door (of the hospital) and said: “You will not enter!” ... We went to the director of the hospital and he said: “Let them in.” We went in and he (the guard) was choking with anger’ (CSOL II 20:53)
b. énḳafk ḥamóľ men bᵉˁer wa-ḷaṭ zégodk marádif wa-ḳéyod kébork tóʸhen wa-kobk di-ḳáˁar ‘I took the load off the camel, then I removed the saddle bags. As for the ropes, I coiled them and brought them to the house’ (CSOL II 28:28)
c. kéľľama ẓ̂óˁotk kobk arẓ̂ ‘If she seizes you, she makes you enter the Earth’ (CSOL II 18:9)
d. ŝínik gírbag di-gešóˁoʰ ˁífef wa-gerέŝotš wa-kö́botš rɛgf ‘I saw a cat that had torn up a kid goat, dragged it along and brought it into a small cave’ (CSOL II 30:14)
e. gédaḥk ṭeʸh ˁénoʰ diˀáḷ ṭad mesˀúľ di-gámaˁaʰ kor yekób tho ˁö́mor énhi ľa aḷ-toˀókeb wa-ˀaḷ-tédrus šin ‘One year I came to a university official to ask him to enrol me, but he said to me: “No, you will not enter (the university) and will not study with us”’ (CSOL II 1:154)
pass. kʸɛb (yóukób/ľikób)