Soqotri Lexicon
šéˀkeb (yešˀέkob/ľišέˀkɛb)
basic morphological information
v. (X)
to be possible to enter
иметь возможность войти
كان سهل الدخول
LS 59; Naumkin et al. 2015a:55, 56; CSOL I 468; CSOL II 383
иметь возможность войти
كان سهل الدخول
text examples
a. wa-biyyoʰ ḳídɛm ˁes ḷe-tɛr wa-ˀaḷ-šéˀkeb héyki idés ‘Our mother is locked in from outside, and it’s impossible for us to go in to her’ (Naumkin et al. 2015a:5)
semantic notes
Used as an impersonal verb ‘to be possible for somebody (e-) to enter’ (a).