ref (yeróf/ľárɛf)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (IV)

1. to be ahead of; 2. to put something in the middle of something
سبق؛ حصر
Naumkin et al. 2019b:80; Bulakh et al. 2021:274–275
الأمثلة النصية

1. kánoʰ šin ẓ̂ayέfɛʰ wa-ˁéyyek ḷeghóm wa-dékerk ṭey éľľehe kor ezáˁas wa-seʰ ˁiṭámoʰ wa-tóˀo gédaḥk diˀáḷ ˁag ˁámor yɔ bíroʰ éľľehe zeˁö́woʰ wa-rʸɛfk baḷ tegdáḥ ‘We had a wedding feast, and I wanted to pick up a cow (to be slaughtered as a gift), and I remembered about one cow and wanted to take it, as it was very fat. When I came to the man (its owner) he said: “Hey, the cow has already been taken, somebody had been quicker than you (and took it) before you came”’ (field notes)

2. rofk érḥeľ be-ˁamḳ di-tέten wa-ḷaṭ záˁayk toy id-ḳáˁar kor yeˁóumor e-fŝo e-emboríyeʰ ‘I drove a female lamb into the middle of other sheep (and caught it there), and then took it home  (to be slaughtered and) to be cooked for lunch for my children’ (field notes)

الملاحظات الصرفية

pass. rʸɛf (yóurof/ľiróf)

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

‘To be ahead of somebody (direct object)’ (1)

االشتياق اللغوي

Cf. perhaps Arb. wrf ‘to be long, to extend (a shadow)’, Tgr. wärfä ‘to do more than necessary’.