fŝe (yífoŝ/ľifŝέ)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (Ia)

to have a lunch
LS 343; CSOL I 538; CSOL II 459; Bulakh 2021:268, 277
текстовые примеры

1. fóŝik wa-ˀö́tomk be-ṣáḥen di-ẓ̂uyúf ‘I had lunch and I took my portion from the plate for the guests’ (all take their share from the same plate) (Bulakh 2021:273);

2. wa-yegodíḥin ˁouyέghɛn kor yífoŝ wa-yenokíˁin múgšem bɛr sáṭahan díˀʸheʰ ṣáḥen di-fŝo wa-yaˁáḳaḷš ḷe-fέne di-múgšem wa-ʸheʰ yeṭóhor ‘And when the boy came to have lunch, the son of the sultan would bring him a plate with the lunch on it, put it before the boy and go away’ (CSOL I 22:4).

семантические примечания

The presence of a causer is expected or at least likely in the context of traditional life of Soqotra. Taking meals is a social event, with guests being invited to take part, and in this sense the formation of causative from the verb fŝeʰ is not unlike derivation from the inherently sociative verbs (Bulakh 2021:277) (see example 1 with no causer indicated). This verb does not properly belong to the digestive class: it does not describe eating as a physical process, but rather as a social event (ibid. 268).

  • fέŝi to give lunch to smb.
  • fŝe to offer lunch to somebody
  • fŝo lunch
Proto-MSA *fŝy to have lunch
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