fέŝiˁ (yefɛŝíˁin or yefɛŝíˁin/ľifáŝaˁ)
basic morphological information

v. (II)

to sprout
пускать ростки
أطلع الفروع
Naumkin et al. 2019b:77
text examples

ḥágeb ḷaḷ yaˀáẓ̂a wa-ḷaḷ yaˁáḳor yefoŝíˁin ḥíggob wa-ṭaʰ šérmhin di-yefoŝíˁin tóˀo témhɛr ‘When the palm sapling sprouts and grows, it brings forth new branches from its branch, similar to other trees which sprout branches, such as banana and palm trees’ (Naumkin et al. 2019b:77) 

  • fŝᵉˁe one of the three excrescences of the míṭḥɛn fruit; fork in a tree branch