ŝáḳar (pl. ŝö́ḳhor)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

n. (m.)

1. drought; 2. starvation
засуха; голод
LS 432; CSOL I 667; CSOL II 600
الأمثلة النصية

1. érhon ḷe-ŝáḳar yešέdhed mésen tɛʰ wa-ˀaḷ-yéštoy ‘Goat meat is tasteless during a drought and unsuitable for eating’ (CSOL I 22:70)


a. ḷéḥe ˁag ẓ̂áˀte mέḷḥo ˁaf yeraḳáḥʸhen men ŝáḳar ‘A man had three of his goat kids suckle at a goat other than their mother to save them from starvation’ (CSOL I 17:49)

b. ˁag di-gedóḥotš ˁážeʰ be-ˁénoʰ di-ŝö́ḳhor ˁegέboʰ kẽy eḳníyoʰ ‘A man was visited by a woman in the year of famine. She wanted food from him’ (field notes)

مالحظات الداللة اللغية


