المعجم السقطري
ḷέˀḷɛ (yeḷέʔḷɛ/ľiľέʔḷɛ)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
baḷ tέsɛ hin mέsɛ di-dóte deš di-sέne fɛˀέsen díˀḥan áḷḷa ḷe-mέsɛ wa-diḥte aḷ-beḷέgo ḥte be-ḷɛˀḷέˀɛ di-barḳ ˁaf teṣábaḥ wa-ḳarére ľíso ‘Before the spring rains of this year came, we had prayed to our God for rain, and that night the flashing of the lightning lasted the whole night until morning. On the next day it rained’ (CSOL II 1:111)