Soqotri Lexicon
text examples
tóˀo ľigdáḥ yegodíḥin be-ľéľhe wayešḥáḷof ḷe-ˁóŝi wa-ˀaḷ-ˁad yegodíḥin ˁaf ľiḳár ṭa ˁag dέhɛr mey nέfaˁ ‘When he would come back, it was late at night. He would leave early in the morning and come back late in the evening. That’s how the man’s work was, all the time’ (CSOL II 20:10)
other notes
“In the speech of our informants the main term for night is ḥte, whereas ľéľhe is restricted to the expression be-ľéľhe ‘during the night’, ‘in the night-time’” (Kogan 2015:514)
PS *layliy(-at)- night
continental MSA
- Mhr. līlət night