a. gédaḥ tan di-saḳɔ́ṭri ṭad men rénhem wa-dέhɛr έˀɛfo yeḥóḷen bey wa-ṭey šɔm ˁámok ˁaf míṭa yeḥewéḷen bey deˁag di-boḳ kóḷe ṭad ˁö́mor ḥö́waḷ bey be-saḳɔ́ṭri kor yeḳábaḷ ‘A certain man came to us, to Soqotra, from abroad, and people always wanted to tour around with him. One day I said: “How long will that man be getting toured around?” But another man answered: “He’s being toured for his relaxation!”’ (CSOL II 10:11)
b. ˁaf míṭa ḥa zóˁom tóˁod ‘How long will you stay here? Go!”’ (CSOL II 17:13)
c. gédeḥ tan έˀɛfo men rénhem wa-ˁed še díˀyho be-siyára tóˀo eráḥan be-ˁamḳ di-ḥádeb ˁémer tod míṭa benö́we ľhe égnihin didéḷeḳ ḷe-ker ḥádeb ˁámok bíŝi di-ˁérob míṭa benö́we ‘A few people from abroad came to visit us and travelled with me in my car. Midway along, they asked me: “Make a stop! When were these many stone walls which are all over the area built?” I told: “Nobody knows when they were built”’ (Naumkin et al. 2022:253)
ˁaf míṭa ‘until when?’: a, b.