énbe (yenóbi/ľónbi)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (IV)

to call, to give a name
называть, давать имя
LS 255; CSOL I 618; CSOL II 546; Naumkin et al. 2015a:80
الأمثلة النصية

wa-yezóˁom díˀyhe ke-ˀeˀḷhíten wa- ˀenbö́we di-ˀegέḷed tóˀo aḷ-yetebében kaḷ be-gad di-ˀéľľehe tóˀo ľiṭhóm de yebáddeľ gad nhɔf ‘He stayed with his cows and was called Cowhidebecauseheworeonlycow- hides: whenever one hide wore out, he replaced it for himself.’ (CSOL II 1:5)

ملاحظات أخرى

pass. enbö́we or ínbi (yenóubɛ/ľinbó)