a. himáˁan yeˁúmor érem ṭad ˁag šiš ṭad fóľhi wa-yeráˁa díˀʸheʰ fóľhi dέhɛr ‘We have heard people say there was a man who had a calf, and he was herding his calf all the time’ (CSOL II 7:1)
b. wa-ˁag zéˁe díˀʸheʰ fóľi wa-yeráˁa ˁaf šɛbέḷoʰ ‘And the man took his two calves and was grazing them until they were covered’ (CSOL II 7:18)
2. wa-réˁe ˁážeʰ díˀseʰ ˁag wa-tóˀo ṭáhɛr edέfoʰ ḷe-díˀseʰ ˁouyɛ́ghɛn wa-ḥézotš ‘The woman kept watch over her husband and when he left, she caught the boy and slaughtered him’ (CSOL I 22:83)
pass. reˁö́we (yeróuˁa/ľirˁó)
réˁe nhɔfš ‘to pasture, to graze (intransitive)’: ˁaróbsen mársɛn díˀɛʰ di-gemɔ́hɔḷ wa-ḷaṭ tebóḷeg wa-ˀaḷ-terˁá nhɔ́fsen touḳáren wa-nhɔ́fsen teráˁan ‘Acquaint them with your camel stable and then leave them, do not pasture them. They will come to the stable at evening by themselves and they will graze by themselves’ (CSOL II 1:96)
Also used figuratively with the meaning ‘to guard, to save’: ḳatéḷboʰ siyáraʰ be-ˀέˀɛfo wa-reˁéʸhen áḷḷaʰ ‘A car overturned, and there were some people in it. But God guarded them’ (Bulakh 2024:147)
- érˁe to give (one’s livestock) to a herdsman
- ráˀḥi, ríˀḥi or réˀḥi male shepherd
- reˁíyyeʰ female shepherd