réḳaḷ (yeráḳaḷ/ľirḳáḷ)
базовые морфологические сведения

v. (Ia)

to arrange, to put in order
организовывать, приводить в порядок
LS 407; CSOL II 567
текстовые примеры

yeróuḳaḷ mérḳahaḷ e-tɛʰ di-ṣóuḷob waľá di-nóutog ‘A heap of stones is arranged for the meat when it has to be cut into pieces (before cooking) or taken from the pot (after being cooked) (CSOL II 30:31)

морфологические примечания

pass. ríḳaḷ (yeróuḳaḷ/ľirḳóḷ)

  • ráḳhaḷ a heap of clean stones on which cuts of meat are put after or before cooking
  • mérḳahaḷ a heap of clean stones on which cuts of meat are put after or before cooking