ŝóˀom (yeŝóˀom/ľiŝˀέm)
basic morphological information

v. (I)

to sell
LS 429; CSOL I 663; CSOL II 596; Naumkin et al. 2015a:87; CSOL III 221
text examples

a. énḳef mes di-šéẓ̂re wa-zéˁe kor yeŝóˀom ‘He took everything that he liked out of it (the car) in order to sell (it)’ (CSOL I 15:9)

b. yeŝóˀomš be-ḳaḥf di-ˀírhɛz ‘He would sell it (the trunk of a tree) for a measure of rice’ (CSOL II 15:7)

c. ŝóˀomk éľľehe díˀʸho ḷe-ṣáḥeb be-ḫamsín eľf ‘I sold a cow to a friend of mine for fifty thousand’ (Naumkin et al. 2013b:544)

d. ˁag di-ŝóˀom témre be-ˀéľľehe di-ḥizízoʰ ‘A man sold his date-palm for a slaughtered cow’ (field notes)

morphological notes

pass. ŝíˀɛm (yeŝóuˀom/ľiŝˀóm)

semantic notes

‘To sell something (direct object) to somebody (ḷe-) at a certain price (be-)’ (b, c, d)


From PS *ŝˀm, presumably ‘to trade’ (see Bulakh 2023:243–244 for a detailed analysis of the data and possible semantic shifts).

continental MSA