المعجم السقطري
ŝébaˁ (yeŝábaˁ/ľiŝbáˁ)
الأمثلة النصية
ŝibóˁoʰ éľľehe wa-tέˀɛʰ ˁédoʰ aḷ-ŝibóˁoʰ ‘The cow ate its fill, but the sheep was still hungry’ (CSOL II 22:2)
مالحظات الداللة اللغية
Can be used figuratively, with the meaning ‘to have enough of something’:
wa-ˁan áfrang ḷaḷ yeróbeḥ be-rénhem wa-yeŝóbeˁ ríbiḥ yešróḳeḥ di-tɛr wa-ḷaṭ yenáẓ̂ef díˀʸhen šᵉḳaʰ wa-yeṭóbeḥ ˁes ḷe-mɛr ‘But as for the Europeans, when they bathe in the sea and have had enough, they get out of the water, spread out their garments and lie on top of them on their bellies’ (ad-Daˁrhi et al. 2019:554)
االشتياق اللغوي
From PS *ŝbˁ ‘to be sated’.