zef (yézfef/ľizfέf)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

v. (Ia)

to take the bride away from her father's house
забирать невесту из дома ее отца
الأمثلة النصية

a. wa-baˁáḷoʰ ˁážeʰ ˁag wa-zef ˁag díˀʸheʰ be-ˁážeʰ díˀʸheʰ di-ḳáˁar ‘And the woman married the man, and the man arranged a wedding-feast for his wife in his house’ (CSOL II 13:13)

الملاحظات الصرفية

pass. zífɛf (yezóufof/ľizfóf)

مالحظات الداللة اللغية

‘To take along the bride (be-)’ (a).

االشتياق اللغوي

Borrowed from Arb. zff ‘to conduct the bride to her husband’. In the continental MSA, a similar borrowing is attested in Jib. zəffέt ‘procession (at a wedding, circumcision)’. Conversely, Mhr. zəf ‘to carry water; to go back and forth with goods brought by a rainy-season vessel’ and Jib. zeff ‘to carry something heavy again and again’ might be autochthonous cognates in view of their more general, non-cultural meanings. Note Sab. mzf (pl. mzff) ‘outflow channel of a dam’, perhaps from < “to lead”.