Soqotri Lexicon
ḳénom (yeḳánem/ľiḳnέm)
basic morphological information
text examples
ḳénomk ṭey díˀʸho óˀoz šaˁír wa-ḷéfoʰ díˀseʰ šaˁír di-máḥḷe wa-ḥiṭároʰ wa-ḥiróˀoʰ temˁáṣaṣ aḷ-ˀékob ˁᵃṭaf ḳeḷóḥoʰ ‘I gave some barley to one of my goats, and it started to eat very quickly. Then it choked on it and tried to gulp it down, but it wouldn’t pass, and so the goat had to throw it up’ (CSOL I 12:10)
ḳénomk méʸhen serédhon wa-tóˀo šérḳeḥ di-ḥay ṣéme ˁaf sᵉkɛ ṭad ‘I fed my goat kids (artificially), but when they went out to the green fodder, they died, all of them’ (Naumkin et al. 2014c:539)
morphological notes
pass. ḳínɛm (yeḳóunom/ľiḳnóm)
Proto-MSA *ḳnm to feed