المعجم السقطري
ḳáḥḳaḥ (yeḳáḥḳaḥ/ľiḳáḥḳaḥ)
الأمثلة النصية
a. šérḳaḥ díˀʸheʰ di-ḳáˁar tóˀo ḳáḥḳaḥ wa-sáľľam ˁes ˁemέroʰ heʸh aḷ-tešóˀof še ‘He went to his house. When he knocked at the door and greeted her, she said to him: “Do not sleep with me”’ (CSOL II 1:107)
b. gedaḥátoʰ tho tri ˁažíti teḳaḥḳóḥoʰ tɛr di-ḳáˁar ‘Two women came to me, knocking at the door of our house’ (CSOL II 7:13)