المعجم السقطري
ḳédor (yeḳáder/ľiḳdέr)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
a. έˀɛfo ḳéder fŝέyɛt wa-fŝe ‘The people have cooked their lunches and eaten’ (CSOL II 16:8)
b. ṣeḷóben éľľehe wa-tóˀo ḳedóren aḷ-šeḳdéroʰ wa-ˀaḷ-šebhéḷoʰ men ˁö́ṭmoʰ di-ˁiṭámoʰ deš éľľehe ‘We slaughtered a cow, and when we started to cook it, it could not be well cooked and prepared bacause of the fat that cow had’ (CSOL II 8:4)
c. ḳédor hin ṭad ˁag ‘One man was cooking for us’ (field notes)
الملاحظات الصرفية
pass. ḳídɛr (yeḳóudor/ľiḳdór)