Soqotri Lexicon
ḥᵃrer (yaḥᵃrér/ľáḥrɛr)
basic morphological information
text examples
a. yegóḷef erẓ̂éfoʰ di-ŝḥaf wa-yetáḳob wa-yaḥᵃrér be-ṣáfror di-ṣóubehɛr ˁaf yemóḷe díˀʸheʰ kɛ́ybehen ‘He took the skin off the milk, collected it and boiled it with the flowers of the ṣ.-plant until this filled a large jug’ (CSOL I 2:25)
b. wa-ḷaṭ yeḥóuror ˁeʸh ‘Then it is heated’ (CSOL II 2:26)
morphological notes
pass. ḥⁱrer (yeḥóuror/ľiḥrór)
semantic notes
‘To heat something (ḷe-)’: b.