Soqotri Lexicon
ḥémoz (yeḥómez/ľiḥmέz)
basic morphological information
text examples
1. gédeḥ ˁeyyúg édrɛhɛ di-ḳáne di-ḳáˁar wa-ḥémoz tho díˀʸhoʰ bέbɛ kor enokíˁin óˀoz di-ḥóuzoz e-ˁeyyúg ‘A few outside guests came to (our) house and my father made me a sign to bring in a goat to be slaughtered for the men’ (CSOL I 6:12)
2. wa-ŝíbɛb ... ḥémoz díˀʸheʰ megɔ́še ‘And the old man... conspired with his sons’ (CSOL II 8:29)