ḥídho (du. ḥídhoy or ḥídoy, pl. ḥidhéten)
базовые морфологические сведения

n. (m.)

a herb with edible roots (Boerhavia diffusa)
трава со съедобными корнями (Boerhavia diffusa)
نبات ذو جذر يُؤْكَل
LS 164; CSOL I 553; Miller–Morris 2004:639; Bulakh 2022:203; Bulakh 2022:210
текстовые примеры

báˁad-aḷ ˁemɛ́roʰ ˁážeʰ dɛ́nˁaʰ ḷetóˁos ˁággi wa-zaˁáyoʰ díˀʸhi ḥídho wa-žirɛ́meʰ wa-ṭahɛ́roʰ ‘After the woman said this, the two men killed her, took their roots and their berries of Ziziphus spina-christi and went off’ (CSOL I 4:11)

прочие примечания

also ḥídhe (m.) or ḥíde (f.) (Bulakh 2023:206)
