Soqotri Lexicon
gírbag (du. girbági, pl. gerébeg)
text examples
ŝínik gírbag di-gešóˁoʰ ˁífef wa-gerέŝotš wa-kö́botš rɛgf ‘I saw a cat that had torn up a kid goat, dragged it along and brought it into a small cave.’ (CSOL II 30:14)
morphological notes
dim. gerebέgoʰ:
ḷéṭoʰ gerebέgoʰ ḷe-ˁafέfyhon di-ṭíbɛb ses ‘When you left, the kitty came to the little goat-kids under itc care!’ (CSOL I 28:32)