المعجم السقطري
ḥanẓ̂éboʰ (du. ḥanẓ̂ebóti, pl. ḥánẓ̂ab)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية
الأمثلة النصية
ḥánẓ̂ab di-beṣ̌ábeṣ̌ ḷe-ker ˁéyhon šker mešáľḳif di-fáḳi ḷaḷ fóuḳa ‘In bygone years, the beads of the beṣ̌ábeṣ̌-type were beautiful: they were fitting for wearing whenever they were put on’ (field notes)
مالحظات الداللة اللغية
The relevant passage in the Vienna corpus describes small pieces of frankincense of different colors (Müller 1905: 44) which can well be designated as “beads” (Kogan 2015: 558).
االشتياق اللغوي
The origin of Proto-MSA *ḥanṣ̂ab-at- ‘bead’ is unknown. Contra Leslau (LS 183), certainly unrelated to PS *ḫṣb ‘to cut’ (DUL 406). Note Tgr. ḥendebbät ‘a sort of ear-ring’ as well as Akk. anṣabtu ‘earring’.