Сокотрийский словарь
fénaḳ (yefánaḳ/ľifnáḳ)
текстовые примеры
a. wa-ˁeyyúg ézˁem wa-yefóneḳ men fŝo ˁaf sáˁa ŝᵉľɛʰ aľ-ˁáser ‘And the men sat there and waited for lunch until three o’clock in the afternoon’ (CSOL I 16:29)
b. ḥére éˀefo ľifnéḳ díˀʸhen men ˁag ḥére éˀefo ľifnéḳ díˀʸhen men ˁag ḥére éˀefo ľifnéḳ díˀʸhen men ˁag ‘The couple waited for this man of theirs, waited and waited’ (CSOL I 1:62)
семантические примечания
‘To wait for somebody/something’ (men): examples.