fέḷe (yífoḷ/ľifḷέ)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

to delouse
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CSOL I 535; Naumkin et al. 2016b:67-68
text examples

déme ˁougénoʰ maḷ ˁédoʰ tédom nέḳneḳ bes kénhom be-ri wa-ˁéŝoʰ téḳtḥom wa-ˁámok e-díˀseʰ bíyyoʰ ŝóuraḳ hes wa-fóuḷɛ men kénhom ‘Our daughter went to sleep, and while she was sleeping, the lice on her head began to bother her, and she woke up and started to scratch. Then I said to her mother: “Her hair must be combed and cleaned of lice!”’ (CSOL I 30:3)

morphological notes

Perfect 3 sg. f.: féľe/fέľe

pass. fíľɛ (yefóuḷɛ/ľifḷó)

PWS *ply to delouse
continental MSA