fö́ḷos (yefóḷes/ľifḷέs)
basic morphological information

v. (Ia)

1. to hew; 2. to wean, to stop suckling
рассекать, рубить
قطَّع، كسَّر
CSOL I 535; Naumkin et al. 2016b:67
text examples

a. fö́ḷos ˁag óben be-máˁwaľ wa-fer ḥe mes ouḳásɛn di-fέne ˁaf yešráḳaḥ dor ‘A man was breaking up a stone with a hammer, and small pieces of it flew off into my face so that blood appeared’ (Naumkin et al. 2016b:67)

PWS *pls to destroy
continental MSA
  • Mhr. fəlōs to hold the legs (of an animal) apart
  • Jib. fɔ́lɔ́s to split; to hold apart, to separate