fíḳha (pl. fiḳhéten)
المعلومات األساسية الصرفية

n. (m)

cloth, garment
предмет одежды
LS 340; CSOL I 534; CSOL II 455
الأمثلة النصية

dómik díˀʸho be-ḳáˁar wa-bóˁor mɛ́sɛ wa-ˀaḳs wa-ˀékob dehí érhon wa-sḥam ḥe wa-ˁeb wa-ḷe-ˁóŝi ráḥaẓ̂k díˀʸho ríḳha mrn ṭáḥɛm di-ˀérhon ‘While I was at home sleeping, a strong rain came
in the night. The goats came inside and urinated and defecated on me. In the morning I had to wash the goats’ urine out of my clothes’ (CSOL I 17:42)

االشتياق اللغوي
Proto-MSA *pḳy to cover, to wear clothes
اللفات العربية الجنوبية القارية للحديثة