fátḥaš (yéftḥoš/ľiftáḥaš or ľíftḥaš)
basic morphological information

v. (VIII)

1. to slip away; 2. to vanish, to disappear
ускользать; исчезать
CSOL I 533, CSOL II 454; CSOL II 454; Nakano 2013:70; Naumkin et al. 2015a:67; Bulakh 2024:167
text examples

a. wa-díˀʸhen bɛ́bɛ ber ḥemɛzéyhen ˁö́mor héyhen tóˀo teréḥ boḳ téftḥeš kẽš wa-ˀaḷ-ľiftékɛr béken ˁémer súwa ‘But their father had already conspired with them, saying: “When you reach the place, fall away from him without him noticing.” And they said: “Alright”’ (CSOL I 6:12);

b. tóˀo éreḥ degdɛ́ge áˁyeg érhon wa-fótḥeš megɔ́še wa-ˁeḳéḷey boḳ-náˁa ḥŝey ‘When they reached the barren place, the goats gave birth. Then the boys fell away from him and left him alone there’ (CSOL I 6:13)

semantic notes

‘To slip away from somebody (ken)’ (a)