diyáˁ (pl. iľyáˁ)
базовые морфологические сведения


1. evil (n.); 2. bad, evil (adj.)
зло; злой, плохой
LS 126, 497; CSOL I 531; CSOL II 451
текстовые примеры

1. wa-tóˀo fótker έˀɛfo be-deʰ nɛ́faˁ ˁémer nefáˁan diyáˁ ‘Now when the couple thought about what they had done, they said: “We did a bad thing”’ (CSOL I 5:43)

2. a. wa-ľikán ˁag deʰ di-gédaḥ men rénhem diyáˁ wa-di-ḳáŝen ‘But that man who came from the continent was mean and prone to stealing’ (CSOL I 15:3)

b. wa-deʰ ˁag ḥᵃme díˀʸheʰ férhem diˀáḷ ṭad ŝéṭreher diyáˁ šiš ‘And that man gave his daughter as a wife to one tribe, with which he had bad relations’ (CSOL II 30:3)



семантические примечания

‘Having bad relations with someone (ke-)’: 2b

With the meaning ‘dirt’: 

wa-ḷaṭ yenegéḷen meʸh deš ḷɛˀέmeʰ wa-deš ḥiréšeʰ wa-meʸh ṭírob wa-ḳánfer wa-diyáˁ ˁaf tkɛˀɛ béšrɛʰ wa-díˀseʰ ˁéẓ̂eẓ̂ ‘And the shrunken dates are pruned, and the rotten ones and pieces of wood and fruit stems and all sorts of dirt, so that only dates with pits remain’ (CSOL II 11:8);

With the meaning ‘dirty’: 

šin be-saḳɔ́ṭri ḷaḷ yeˁúmor ŝḥaf di-gézhɛr kor yeẓ̂óunon yeṣóuḷoḷ men ŝef wa-bíľeʰ diyáˁ ‘In our land, on Soqotra, when milk is put into a shaking skin to be soured, it is strained of hair and any dirty thing’ (CSOL II 2:28)
